Page Updated 09/28/07

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The Lodge  /  Hunt - Day 1  /  Clay Shooting Course /  Hunt - Day 2  /  Hunt - Day 3  /
 Mealtimes and Awards  /  Preparing to Leave  /  Event Sponsors




Our Facility 
Our Litters 
Our Pups 
Hunting Trips 
In Training 
Pheasant Fest 



Click to visit the Granite Springs website

(L to R) Laura Whitlock, Tim Sims, Bob Whitlock, Chuck Sekerak, Marla Nelson,
Allan Polenz, Sandra Smith, and Rodney Smith


(Click any of the small photos on this page to enlarge them into a pop-up window.)


The Lodge (and surrounding area):

Brennan Yeo and his wife Jen live at the lodge and manage it. The lodge has first-class accommodations, right down to a fully stocked bar and fridge filled with absolutely anything your heart desired. The surrounding areas were just as awesome with spectacular views of the beautiful South Dakota countryside.

The lounge

Fully stocked bar

Spring fed Granite quarry

Another quarry view

The surrounding country

Taking advantage of the big screen TV.

Kennel accommodations


A rooster strutted right up to the back patio.

Spectacular sunsets


Full moon



Pheasant Hunt - Day 1:

We were all really pumped on our first day! Brennan introduced us to our additional guides, Al and Blair. After a quick trip to Cabela's in Mitchell to get hunting licenses, we loaded up in the Granite Springs bus around 10:30 am which took us down the road just a couple miles from the lodge to our first field.  During this particular hunt, Bristol had the opportunity to retrieve her first pheasant rooster! We reached our limit with a total of 18 birds at around 4:00 pm.

Allan, Marla and Rodney walk the thick
grassy cover.

Bob and Duchess comb the grassland.


Rodney, Bob and
Sandra rehydrate


Sandra, Rodney
and Marla


Chuck and Tim
wait to regroup


Sandra & Marla with our guides, Brennan and Blair.


Bristol's first rooster retrieve!


She was the first dog to reach the bird and brought it right back!

Tim, Chuck, Allan, Rod, Bob and Laura with Duchess and Bristol

Somebody said something funny just before
the photo!


Clay Shooting Course:

The second day we hit the clay course first thing after breakfast to practice our aim before heading out to the fields. There were five different shooting stations and five clay shooters strategically positioned to shoot clays from different directions and angles which would challenge any marksman. We enjoyed cheering each other on and celebrating the direct hits!

Allan taking his turn at the course.


Sandra and Marla
with our guide Al


Tim, Chuck and Rod watch as Brennan fires another clay pigeon.

Marla takes her turn at the course.


Splash observed our skills at the clay course.



Pheasant Hunt - Day 2:

On this day we headed out right after our practice sessions at the Clay Shooting Course. Again, we loaded up in the Granite Springs bus which took us to another game preserve about 10 miles due North of Alexandria, SD. These fields were a little different than the grassy cover we had hunted the day before as they were designated food plots which were organized in strips containing immature corn stalks separated by rows of young winter wheat. Again we had reached our daily limit of 18 birds by around 3:30 pm.

On the bus getting ready to head North.


Marla with her FIRST pheasant rooster!!
You go girl!

Marla, Allan and Tim chat while regrouping.


Taking a quick break before hitting the next food plot.

Bob with our guides Brennan and Blair on the road to our next field.

Our guide Al, tells the guys a joke.

Blockers stand guard at the end of the food plot.

Here's the group
emerging from the corn.

Bristol with another beautiful bird.

What an awesome retrieve.

Bristol is ready to head out again for another turn at hunting.

Bristol staunch on point. She's got the roosters in her sights!

Another quick retrieve.



Our daily bounty.



Another successful day with a total of 18 birds.



Pheasant Hunt - Day 3:

This day we headed back out to the fields first thing after breakfast. Our guides said the birds were still in the grass and not yet in the corn, so we didn't want to waste any time getting into the fields. Using the new O/U shotgun he had won by a Lucky Draw at the awards ceremony the night before (See Mealtime and Awards), Chuck shot the first four birds that flushed in front of him, all right in a row!! Needless to say, we were all amazed at his abilities with his new gun!  By 3:00 pm we had our daily limit and were back at the lodge enjoying some relaxation time before dinner was served at 7:00 pm.

Bristol points a pheasant just outside her kennel run enclosure.

Our group combing the grassland.


Duchess gets the opportunity to retrieve a pheasant rooster.

Sandra, Rod and Bob enjoy the shade while eating lunch.

Marla, Allan and Chuck tailgating for lunch.


Bristol catching scent of
a bird on the wind.


Perfect Point!
The rooster was right there under the pine!

Waiting in the truck for the hunters to emerge over the hill.

Another beautiful point among the pines!


Bob getting all kinds of kisses from his girls.



Mealtimes and Awards:

Meals were unbelievable. By unbelievable we mean, 5-course, gourmet fare with enough food to feed an army! We just couldn't believe the menus and the quantity of food we received. See some of the photos below!

Dinnertime was also a great opportunity to give out awards from our sponsors for the day's events. We had planned to have a longest tail feather contest, but the guides ended up with all the birds so we didn't really know whose was whose.  That contest ended up being a lucky draw out of a hat instead.

    Monday - Most birds shot (5) - Tim Sims - received a Gander Mountain hat.
    Tuesday - Most clays shot (9) - Chuck Sekerak - received a Gander Mountain hat
    Tuesday - Lucky Draw #1 - Chuck Sekerak - Stoeger O/U shotgun
    Tuesday - Lucky Draw #2 - Rodney Smith - Quilomene Vest w/ Hydration System (which he ended up giving to Allan Polenz)
    Wednesday - First Pheasant Ever - Marla Nelson - received a Gander Mountain hat.
    Wednesday - Lucky Draw #3 - Tim Sims - received a $25 Gander Mountain gift card.
    Wednesday - Shortest Tail feather (the bird had NO TAIL!) - Tim Sims - received X-Ray glasses to help him find the tail!
    Wednesday - Least birds shot for the week (3) - Marla Nelson - received a marshmallow shooter to help her practice her aim!

Breakfast on the

morning of our first hunt.


A salad course.



Prime Rib with Au Jus, baked potato, greenbeans and eggplant.

Can't wait to dig in.

Wednesday, Sept 26th was our 9th anniversary.


Award winners:
Chuck - Stoeger shotgun
Rodney - Quilomene vest

Award winner:
Tim - $25 Gander Mtn giftcard & x-ray glasses.

Tim trying out his x-ray glasses.


Marla trying out her new marshmallow shooter.




Preparing to leave:

Everyone was a little melancholy on Thursday morning as we were all packing up preparing to leave. We all talked about how much we'd miss the gourmet food and being pampered. There was mention about where we wanted to go next year and thought it probably couldn't beat the adventures we had at Granite Springs, but all agreed that we wanted the opportunity to hunt together again.  This group was just fantastic, the comaraderie we shared, the friendships we made and the memories we created will live on for a long time!

Brennan delivering our prepared and
packaged birds.

Marla and Allan
with their two Llews, Skye and Paco.





Our Sponsors:

We would like to take one last opportunity to thank our event sponsors:

click to visit Granite Springs on the web

Granite Springs - for all their hospitality, the wonderful lodging and accommodations, use of their facility, outstanding food, and guide service and for offering us a fantastic opportunity to get together in a beautiful setting. Thank you Kevin and Brennan!


Click to visit Gander Mountain

Gander Mountain - for donation of the Welcome Pack items (wool socks, burr off tool, shotgun shells), and miscellaneous other gifts, such as hats, and discounted merchandise that we presented to the group as awards.
Thanks Tim!


Click to visit Quilomene

Quilomene Company - for donation of the high quality Hunting Vest with hydration system. Thanks Steve!

We hope that people will patronize these businesses for any future hunting needs.




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A Hickory Hollow Hunting, L.L.C. entity

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