Page Updated 03/10/07

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Our New Facility

8/29/06 - On this day, our old detached garage was taken away to make room for our new facility. It was totally surreal watching our old garage going up the driveway. Bye-Bye!

Jacking the garage up onto the truck Jacking the garage up onto the truck Securing the garage to the trailer with chains Bye-bye garage!


Construction begins...

9/02/06 - The water and drain pipes were trenched in today.  We ran softened/filtered water from the house to the new facility so that our pups could have good quality water for formulas, weaning cereal and drinking.

The empty site where the new facility will be built Big CAT, taking out the old garage concrete slab Moving the front porch out of the way so we can dig underneath.
Moving the front porch with the CAT Drilling through the foundation for the water pipe Trenching the ditch for the water pipe

9/13/06 - The excavation has begun!  We are digging 3 foot wide trenches to lay the frost footings for the foundation walls.

Starting to excavate for the back foundation wall excavating the front foundation wall excavating the front foundation wall trench for right side foundation wall


9/14/06 - The concrete guys came to lay the forms for the footings and then pour the concrete.

forms for front wall footings starting to pour the concrete smoothing and leveling the concrete finishing up with re-rod support for the walls

9/15/06 - The concrete guys set the forms and poured the walls.  Later in the week, they came to backfill the middle with lime and put the dirt back around the foundation.

laying out the wall forms wall forms are almost done

pouring the concrete into the forms


9/26/06 - The drains were laid first thing.

getting the angles right the main floor drain and puppy room drains sink and A/C drains digging the trench a little deeper

Later, they came to pour the floors... and then the "artsy fartsy" in me came out... I carved "Hickory Hollow" into the cement!

pouring the floor Carving "Hickory Hollow" into the cement This is what my artwork looks like all finished! You've got to click to enlarge this one! putting the polish on and finishing the floor

10/12/06 - The framing began...

framed walls framed walls inside the structure inside the structure

10/13/06 - The roof and partial siding went on today.

The roof is on South end of the building North end of the building Northwest corner

10/24/06 - The exterior was completed.

added covered porch starting on the siding still doing siding complete!

Week of 11/13/06 - The wiring was completed and the insulation was started.

Puppy Cottage entrance door Puppy Cottage wiring Puppy Cottage insulation Puppy Cottage insulation and doggy door

Week of 11/20/06 - More insulation and finally sheetrock on the ceilings.

Starting the sheetrock on the ceiling All ceilings finished!

Week of 12/04/06 - The drywall finally began to take shape. The entire room was drywalled during this week.

(no photos available)

Weeks of 12/11 and 12/18/06 - The taping and mudding of the drywall happened these weeks along with all the sanding, remudding and sanding again.

(no photos available)

Week of 12/25/06 - The puppy cottage was finally ready for paint!  We primed the room ceiling and walls and while that was drying we worked on sanding, sealing and staining the cabinets. Mom and Dad were a lot of help today!

Mom and I sealing and staining the wall cabinets Staining the wall cabinets Staining the wall cabinets Wiping the stain from the cabinet door

Painting the puppy cottage, installing first wall cabinet and finishing wiring.

Painting the walls - Quincy is good company! Painting the walls

First cabinet installed!

Finishing wiring on the plugs


01/06/07 - Finished installing the wall cabinets and built the framework for the counter top.

mounting the cabinets cabinets are done built framework to support the counter top counter top will have to be cut for sink
getting the cabinet row level installing them around the corner contertop framework countertop will have to be cut to fit

01/17/07 - Built the puppy play pen half wall.

framing the puppy playpen wall the wall is removable puppy play pen wall with doorway waterproof wallboard will go on the backside removed the wall for priming and painting
framing the puppy wall we made it removable and added drywall to the front wall board will go on the back removed the wall to prime and paint

02/11/07 - Almost done! Plumbing is done, backsplash and counter tops are in. The water heater and fridge will be plugged in soon, and the doggie door is fully functional (although the dog run has not been installed yet.

Puppy Facility Entrance

Almost complete!

Doggie Door to outside run The finished kitchenette

February 2007 - Except for a few minor touches here and there, the puppy cottage is now complete. These final photos are of the puppy play pen.

Puppy Play Pen Inside the play pen Nelson automatic waterer The 2-part sliding door Dri-Dek and rubber flooring
Puppy Play Pen Inside the play pen Automatic waterer Two-part door Dri-Dek flooring



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