Page Updated 10/31/18

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We are extremely proud of our pups, and therefore would like to share
some of their family's messages with you!

It has truly been an honor to have met such wonderful people
who also share our great love for this amazing breed!


Your little puppy [Rissa, Litter R] is becoming a great grouse dog - a relentless firecracker that just knifes through the Wisconsin north woods. We’re going out again this Saturday and I could walk with her without a gun - I just love to see Ginger work and to be as happy as she is running and hunting.

Ginger spent 4 weeks with her trainer in May and another 3 weeks in September. She’s blossomed and hunts hard for her owner. She has the best nose, many times locking up 30 yards from a bird launcher before closing in. Exuberant but always checking back after she casts out. And as my trainer says she is always ‘stylin’ when she works. And she’s just a good house dog. You make good puppies!

-- Paul Denis, October 2018



Paisley_Trigger.jpg Paisley_Trigger_2.jpg

Photos of Trigger [aka Paisley, Litter P] getting in some preseason work.

Preseason is going well... Couldn't have a better dog!!

Smartest dog I've ever been around and also an athlete.

-- Chad Baker, September 2018



We were originally drawn to Hickory Hollow Llewellin Setters by the website. It was the most professional website we found after searching through many others. Once we got in touch with Hickory Hollow, we continued to be impressed with the attention to detail and thoroughness. As we awaited our pup, we enjoyed the consistent updates with pictures, videos, and the LIVE PuppyCam. We could see from these updates that the facilities were clean, safe, and puppy friendly. Laura puts her heart and soul into every litter and ensures that each puppy is happy and healthy. Fast forward almost 3 years later, we now have our second puppy from Hickory Hollow. [Pippin, aka Usher, Litter U]

-- The Blessing Family, August 2018




We just recently got our pup from HHLS [Uno, Litter U] and it was amazing!! I loved being able to check on the puppies daily with the live pup cam!! And the pup blogs always kept us informed on the well being of the puppies!! Best experience we have ever had!! Our family truly loves the hard work and dedication HHLS puts in to raising the best dogs they can!!

-- Krista Ringdahl, August 2018


[HHLS is] by far the best breeders we have ever known!
I've had the beautiful experience of seeing the birth pictures of our puppy Cukla, [aka Ulianne, Litter U], and pictures every week and videos in between and received this beautiful girl in July. She is a loved member of our family and would recommend Hickory Hollow Llewellin Setters to anyone wanting the best of breeders and pups! We saw pictures of her Mom/Dad. Laura was great to work with and will answer any questions you might have!

-- Stephanie Howard, July 2018




What an awesome puppy experience. I am one of the people who prefer getting an older puppy or young dog. Logan [aka Nash, Litter N] was such a neat little pup. Hickory Hollow was with me from the moment I made the deposit! I was pretty high on the list to pick a pup and thought of the colors I wanted...but I was pointed in the path of the best personality to fit in with my family. He has been awesome in every sense of the word! Puppy, adolescence and adult. Thank you Hickory Hollow!!!

-- Katherine Hersman, August 2018


Dixie [aka Quill, Litter Q] just got back from her first two weeks of gun dog training. Learning gun and introduction to birds. We are proud to say she is a stellar student. Most impressive, eager for birds, high drive and very confident. The big bonus is she is actually retrieving, which as you know most setters are not fans or do not do at all. We are very pleased and compliments from our trainer, he said you have your breeding down and know what you're doing. I thought you would like to know! Next training is in February or early March, obedience and more pointing training.  

-- Keith Galvin, December 2016




Everyone who has hunted or worked with Pete [aka Emerson, Litter E] has been amazed. With his natural ability and desire he makes me look like a good trainer. I am a little worried though, they say you're lucky to get one great bird dog in your life and I'm too young to have mine already. He gets non-stop compliments on his good looks and personality and he loves everyone he meets. Thanks again to Laura for the great job she's done at Hickory Hollow.

-- Jason Hochstetler, March 2009


When he went to the vet... everyone there fell in love with Mac [aka Fenway, Litter F]. They had never seen a Llewellin and are excited to see him each time we bring him in for visits. Everyone made odd comments about us traveling so far [from Michigan to Iowa] to get our puppy, but when they meet Mac, they can see why we chose Hickory Hollow and this breed.

-- Linda Van Zee, September 2009




This entire experience has been most enjoyable. Your frequent updates through the pregnancy and after the birth of the pups, plus the weekly photos have been a lot of fun. Marla and I want to thank you for such a rewarding experience. We are certainly looking forward to the future with our new pup [Cisco, Litter C].

-- Allan Polenz, 2007


Top Two Reasons for getting a Hickory Hollow Llewellin Setter:

1. I can't imagine any breeder being better than Hickory Hollow. From initial contact through pickup day and follow-ups, the professionalism and communication skills are beyond expectations. You will know everything there is to know about your pup long before you pick him up. I suspect that most breeders care and love their pups while they are still in the birthing kennel but Laura no doubt loves all the pups no matter how old or where they live.

2. This is the most important reason: The HHLS's are the best gun dogs in the world. They are the smartest. They have the best noses. They have the best eyes. Let one live with you and they will give you more love than you can accept. Let one hunt with you and they'll show you what you're looking for. Then if you shoot a bird, they go and find it; all the while with the excitement of someone having more fun than should be legal and with unbelievable beauty.

-- Tim Sims, July 2008



I always have people stop and ask me what kind of dog Honey is [aka Chloe Litter C], where I got her, how much, what town you are near.... people get so excited with her behavior! I feel like a proud beaming mother. I also like telling them how lucky I was with her being breeder pick and you letting me have her (giving her up for me). I just wanted you to know how great of a dog she is becoming! I look forward to many many years with her!

-- Cassandra Steadman, 2008




The Best Pup!
Laura, I am so grateful that you have bred such a quality dog!  Thank you. I could send you photos and brag all day long [about Lazarus, Litter L]. When it comes down to it, he's all business and a total badass!

-- Don White, August 2018



I can't tell you how excited we are to have "Flash" as a member of our family! Everyone is absolutely thrilled, and can't wait to meet him (and definitely you) in person. Thanks so much for making this such an enjoyable experience from the very beginning!

 -- Tamera Schlueter, April 2009




"Things could not be better, the pup is great! Thanks for your professional handling of this sale."

    -- Singleton Bailey
    Firecreek Kennels, Loris, SC




Patrick with Kim - click to enlarge

Patrick with Kim
A receptionist at
Friendship Hospital for Animals



Patrick with Tammy - click to enlarge

Patrick with Tammy



Jeff and Cat Cross - click to enlarge

Jeff and Cat Cross

Dear Laura -

Patrick has simply been terrific!!! It does not seem possible that he hasn't always been part of the "Friendship Family". The staff loves him and he flies at all of them to receive the mandatory hugs.  Clients have set up appointments to meet him and he is the recipient of numerous gifts. (His favorite is a stuffed mallard that "Honks"!) Clients and staff keep asking us how such a young puppy can be so unruffled by anything and is so content with whatever comes along. As much as Cat and I would like to take credit, we tell them that you simply did everything right and direct them to your website. Socialization is not the slightest issue with Patrick because of the early work you did with him.  Our only concern is that we will have to get him his own PDA to stay on top of his busy schedule!!!

[The attached picture] is very special to us. Tammy Rife is a 21-year old girl who has been coming to Friendship every Thursday morning for a number of years.  She has a very rare and severe form of muscular dystrophy. Her greatest happiness is being around animals and coming to the clinic is the high point of her week. However, her deteriorating condition makes it increasingly difficult for us to get her close to animals who may be too rambunctious or too nervous about her wheelchair and the various noises it emits. Patrick has now spent two Thursday mornings with her. Cat and I and the entire staff have been dumbfounded at his interaction with Tammy. He plays around for a little while, tugs on a few wheelchair straps, takes a treat and curls up in her lap and sleeps for an hour. Tammy's only comment to us is "I love him and I want him!"

I realize we are talking about a 9-week old puppy but it is hard to express how intuitive and gentle he has been with Tammy right from the start. It is wonderful for Cat and I to imagine what a great dog he will be with time and training. We hope the look on Tammy's face as Patrick sits in her lap will tell you what a wonderful dog you have brought into the lives of people like her. I hope seeing Patrick begin his career will raise awareness of how many roles these wonderful dogs can take on. There is no doubt in my mind that Patrick could be in the field in the morning and visiting hospice in the afternoon.

Again, Cat and I thank you both for your dedication to Llewellins!

--Jeff Cross, April 2006
Friendship Hospital for Animals


(Patrick (aka Bixby) is from Litter B- Whelped January 27th, 2006 was adopted by Jeff and Cat Cross (a veterinarian) and will be a therapy dog for handicapped and hospice patients as well as a "mascot" at their veterinary clinic. What a wonderful career Patrick is embarking upon!   They've even mentioned us on their website! (click here)

Update: 10/04/07

All is well in "Patrick-world" as you can imagine.  He has grown into a tall, beautiful boy with a wonderful temperament. He's just the happiest guy we know!!!! His therapy career continues on track and we are concentrating increasingly on working with the elderly (Alzheimer's patients included) and kindergarten/elementary age children. The "P" is getting a reputation as a good dog to bring in to spend time with children who may be fearful of dogs. Having Patrick drop that handsome setter head of his in a little one's lap is a great conversation starter about dogs. Two area schools have actually scheduled visits from "the little man" as Cat calls him.

Tammy is also no longer able to come to the clinic...her condition had been deteriorating and she has become increasingly confined. The last pictures we took of her were with Patrick and her Hickory Hollow cap. Tammy has no strength in either hand so when she is walking or holding Patrick he knows he can't pull. He is very patient with her. Also, Tammy's wheelchair controls are on the left side because she has no control of her right hand. Although Patrick has been trained to heel on the left side when walking, he has learned to always be on Tammy's right side so that his leash does not interfere with the controls. How's that for a smart boy?!? Finally, Tammy's caregiver called this morning to say Tammy wore her cap with her pajamas to breakfast recently. Now THAT'S the picture we wish we could have!!!!


Patrick with Tammy in her Hickory Hollow cap

Patrick with Tammy

Patrick the Security Guard     Tall Boy - Long Legs!


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A Hickory Hollow Hunting, L.L.C. entity

Site designed and maintained by HHLS.