Page Updated 05/31/22

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Jeffrey and Jen WOW! We are the new owners of Hickory Hollow Llewellin Setters (HHLS) as of late-March 2022.

I’m Jeff Hancock and together with my wife Jennifer and our two kids Belle and Dash we are going to do our best to continue the quality breeding program of Llewellin Setters started by Laura Harmon in 2005.

If you are reading this, you are likely a fan of HHLS and hopefully are lucky enough to have one of these great dogs. The quality of Llewellin Setters from HHLS is something we are striving to continue. In fact, it’s the very reason we are involved in this ownership transition. We love these dogs and the last thing I wanted to happen was to have the HHLS legacy be just a memory. Laura has done a great job of creating one of, if not the best all-around upland hunting and companion breeds a person can own. The qualities of the Llewellin breed, safeguarded by Laura through her program, will continue as we take on ownership. Rest assured, if you desire the best in a Llewellin Setter, Hickory Hollow Llewellin Setters will continue to be your resource.

A few things will change, but not much. Probably the biggest change is the location. We live in Kansas, so HHLS will live in Kansas as well. I’m sure a few other things will change along the way, but most importantly, our goals for producing the best Llewellins in the country are the same as Laura’s. We will do this by working from a strong foundation of certified healthy breeding pairs with proven genetics verified by Embark. Pairs will also be health tested and OFA certified prior to breeding.

Hancock FamilyWe own five HHLS Llewellins, and we appreciate the quality of dog that comes from HHLS. Over 35 years I have owned various other breeds of upland dogs, but these HHLS Llewellins just stuck. They live with us, vacation with us, and most importantly they hunt with us…a lot. I’m lucky enough to be able to annually upland hunt with our Llewellins across the country from the grouse woods of Wisconsin and prairies of Montana to the deserts of New Mexico; not to mention just relaxing on the family couch.

The natural abilities of these dogs as both a companion and hunter set them apart. Our primary objective in continuing the HHLS breeding program is to ensure anyone can have the same experiences we’ve had with our HHLS Llewellins.



Our Commitment  (To the breed / To our Pups / To our breeding dogs / To our clients)

    To the Llewellin breed...

We breed with the aim of producing a healthy family friendly, high quality, range adaptable, foot hunting dog that will perform with a superior level of excellence in the field as well as embody the ideal blend of strength, stamina, grace and style that is classic of the breed. Our breedings incorporate some of the finest Llewellin bloodlines in the country including Wind’em (Advie), Gladstone, Royacelle, Blizzard and Bondhu.

We pledge to better the breed by doing genetic screening on all our breeding dogs. We have screened our dogs for Canine Hip Dysplasia (CHD) and inheritable eye diseases as well as serum blood testing for Thyroid Dysfunction and our dogs have been certified by OFA.  We have also used Embark DNA testing to screen over 200,000 genetic markers for inheritable diseases. Dogs that do not pass the tests will not be used for breeding.

This alone makes us stand out from the rest, as not many breeders do this testing. Good breeders should strive to better the breed and make conscious decisions that affect the outcome, overall health and success of the pups.

We urge you to hold your breeder to a higher standard and require health testing and certification for healthy eyes and hips on the parents before you commit to purchasing a pup. After all, this puppy will be a huge investment, not only monitarily, but also in your time and effort.

We require all of our pups to be spayed or neutered as outlined in our Puppy Purchase Contract unless they prove to be of breeding quality. Before any of our pups can legally be bred, they must also pass all genetic health screening tests.



    To our pups...

We do everything possible to produce healthy, happy and sound puppies by raising them in the best possible way involving; providing a carpeted surface for young pups to get traction for movement, providing neurological stimulation during the critical development phase based on the "Super Dog" theory, feeding a nutritional diet, providing adequate room to play, socialization both with children and other adult dogs and cats, noise desensitization, and medical/veterinary care when necessary.


We are dedicated to each and every one of our pups and won't leave anything left to chance. If we have a big litter and momma is having a hard time feeding them all, we supplement with regular bottle feedings. If a pup is small or ailing, we don't just leave it's fate up to mother nature, we get right in there and do what needs to be done to save it.


Our goal is to place our pups in the best possible environment for them. These dogs were bred to hunt. This will be a high priority when finding them a home. We will also look for these dogs to be lifelong family companions, not just hunters, and be looked upon as an integral part of the family. These dogs need companionship, the kind they will also provide in return. If you are one of the lucky ones to adopt a pup of our, then you have demonstrated to us you have our common interests at heart and we believe you will be the kind of owner we are seeking.


If for any reason an owner can no longer keep the dog, we will provide assistance in finding the dog a suitable new home or are willing to take the dog back when possible. We will not permit our pups to be surrendered to animal shelters, humane societies or rescue groups when they can come back to us. We feel a sense of responsibility because we brought these pups into the world and therefore will always have a vested interest in where they reside.


    To our breeding dogs...

Our Llewellins live in our home and are part of our family. They are not permanently housed outdoors or left to live a life of solitude in a kennel. They have a large area accessible on demand for socialization and to explore, and sometimes get into a little mischief.

We are not a “kennel” and do not have typical kennel-type outdoor housing facilities to hold dozens of dogs. We only keep a select few number of dogs for our breeding program and a few we hunt with regularly. We seek stud service from other responsible breeders with genetically tested and approved males. Our Llewellins get tons of attention on a daily basis, the kind of attention they are more than willing to return in full.

We do not overbreed! Usually our females have one litter per calendar year and are allowed to rest for one cycle in between litters. We do not breed without a demand. We only produce a litter when we have taken pre-reservation deposits with a commitment to purchase a pup.

We feed a premium performance diet for optimum nutrition and health and it reflects in their soft, shiny coats and happy personality.


    To our clients...

We know part of the reason folks have chosen us as their breeder is our dedication to detail in breeding and raising our pups as well as providing a positive purchase experience.  We strive to make this an over-the-top, enjoyable experience for all our puppy buyers.

  • We dedicate a LOT of time to website updates, taking and posting photos and videos along with frequent blogging and interaction on Facebook to keep you in the loop as your puppy matures. With our LIVE Puppy Cam in HD, clients can literally see their puppy 24/7, day or night.
  • You will become a part of the "Hickory Hollow family" and we will welcome you with open arms. We consider all of our puppy clients friends and enjoy staying in touch. We are thankful for the ongoing frienship and camaradarie within the Llewellin community.
  • We think of all our pups as our legacy, so we like to hear reports on the puppy's progress, and share fun stories and experiences. We are available to answer questions and discuss concerns whenever needed throughout the lifetime of the dog and beyond. E-mails and photos are always welcome and we strive to acknowledge and respond to each and every one.
  • We stand behind our dogs and our guarantees. We put our health guarantee in writing, and thus we offer purchase contracts so there are no misunderstandings of our terms. We go over everything in detail with you on delivery day during your puppy pickup appointment.  And most importantly we deliver on our promises.


Our Business (Licenses / Registrations / Certifications / Routines / Timeline / Super Dog Program  / Qualifications)


In Kansas we are considered Hobby Breeders by the Kansas Department of Agriculture because we do not produce more than two litters each license year. Therefore a license is not required.



  • VIP SealField Dog Stud Book (FDSB) - Our breeding dogs are 100% purebred Llewellin Setter which have been registered by the American Field of Chicago in the Field Dog Stud Book (FDSB). FDSB registration certificates for each dog can be found in the "Our Llewellins" section of our website .

    The FDSB requires all registered Llewellin Setter breeding dogs to be DNA tested and verified to prove Llewellin lineage before any litters produced by them can be registered. Our dogs have been DNA tested and have been issued a Certificate of DNA Analysis embossed with the "Verified Identifiable Parentage" (VIP) golden foil seal.  All of our litters are registered with the FDSB within a week after birth and are issued a registration number. Therefore, all our puppies within those litters are also eligible for individual FDSB registration as purebred Llewellin Setters. (See also DNA Certification below).
  • American Kennel Club (AKC) - Since our dogs are registered with the FDSB, this makes them eligible for cross registration with the American Kennel Club because the AKC acknowledges the FDSB as an acceptible domestic registry.
  • Unfortunately the AKC does not differentiate the Llewellin from the English Setter in the same way the FDSB does, so all FDSB registered Llewellin Setters will be classified as purebred English Setters on the corresponding AKC paperwork.


Certifications... (Genetic and Health Testing)

VIP SealDNA - Our breeding stock have been DNA tested by the American Field in conjunction with UC Davis Veterinary Genetics Laboratory to guarantee pedigrees by proving parentage and purity of the Llewellin lines.

The UC Davis Veterinary Genetics Lab is internationally recognized as a pioneer and expert in DNA-based animal testing and forensics services. They have experience genotyping hundreds of thousands of dogs for breed registries and associations. DNA is the only way to prove that a dog is a purebred Llewellin and we can show certifiable proof that all of our dogs have Verified Identifiable Parentage ("VIP") status.


OFA stickerHIPS - Our breeding stock are evaluated by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) to be free of Canine Hip Dysplasia (CHD) before they are used in our breeding program. Once they reach the minimum two years of age, x-rays are taken while the dog is chemically restrained in order to get an accurate photo of the hip joints. Those x-rays are sent off to the OFA for evaluation by several doctors who will rate the hip joints from Excellent through Dysplastic. Ratings within normal limits are Excellent, Good and Fair. Dogs with these ratings reduce the likelihood that their offspring will have the condition.

EYES - Our breeding stock are certified by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) to be clear of inheritable eye defects that cause Juvenile Cataracts and blindness in young dogs. To be certified, our dogs must be screened annually by an OFA approved, board certified veterinary opthamologist. The eyes are dilated and examined with an opthalmosope.


OFA stickerGenetic Health Testing through Embark - Our breeding stock have been DNA screened for genetic diseases by Embark in conjunction with the University of Cornell's College of Veterinary Medicine.

The Embark DNA test kit for breeders provides insights on a dog's overall health and traits including coat color and body size. This is an all-inclusive genetic health test consisting of inbreeding coefficient and results for nearly all genetic mutation tests covering 165 diseases on over 200,000 genetic markers in 16 different areas; Brain and Spinal Cord, Muscular, Blood, Multisystem, Eyes, Gastro-Intestinal, Skin and Connective Tissue, Kidney and Bladder, Metabolic, Immune, Skeletal, Neuro-Muscular, Heart, Clinical, Hormones and Other Systems. Results are accepted by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) for all conditions where OFA has established a DNA registry.



Feeding - Llewellin Setters are performance dogs and need to be fed an appropriate food for their caloric needs. Our adult dogs and puppies are fed a high-quality 5-star rated performance dog food formula called "Native" by Kent Nutrition Group. Native is PERFECT for the working dog because they offer five different formulas, each one covering a different energy need but all have a standardized ingredient profile so you can easily switch between them based on the ever-changing caloric needs of your performance dog.

We have partnered with Team Native's Performance Kennel Program to offer our clients New Puppy Kits containing a booklet on raising your puppy, a food product sample and coupon to use on the purchase of your first bag of food. We are absolutely convinced that feeding a superior performance food to our adult dogs makes for stronger and healthier puppies.


Record Keeping - Even before the pups are born, our record keeping begins.  At about day 55 during gestation, we begin taking momma's temperature twice daily.  This information is used to help us judge whelping day or potential problems.  From the moment of birth, all important information for each pup is recorded such as birth time, weight, length, color, markings, position and gender. Other information is also regularly recorded such as weights, anti-parasitic treatments, vaccinations and other developmentally significant events.


Weight Measurements - Our puppies are weighed daily until they are four weeks old and then weekly thereafter. Their weights are recorded on a data sheet and kept with all the other records for the particular litter. This practice helps to alert us to a pup that might be ailing or to those that need some extra time at the milkbar or need special bottle feedings.


Anti-parasitic protocol - Our puppies are dewormed with single doses at weeks 2 and 4 then again starting at week 6 for a 3-day or 5-day course of doses to control all types of intestinal parasites as well as coccidia and giardia. Pups should be free of worms by the time they go to their new homes, however we recommend a veterinarian check a fecal sample during your initial veterinary wellness exam to confirm.  


Vaccinations - All pups will receive an initial Distemper Parvo (DPv) vaccination at 6 weeks here at Hickory Hollow. Puppies should be given follow-up booster vaccinations at 9 weeks, 12 weeks and 15 weeks.


Socialization - Our puppies are well socialized during their time at Hickory Hollow. They will be exposed to other dogs, the outdoors (weather permitting), and many humans including children. We believe that socialization is extremely important in creating a well-rounded animal that will adapt to any situation that they encounter making them better hunters and family companions.


Desensitization - Our puppies are subjected to a variety of noises and touches throughout their time at Hickory Hollow. From birth to about 4 weeks of age, they are in our home and experience our regular household routine. From 4 to 7 weeks, they are in The Puppy Cottage and are subjected to the sounds of the heater or air conditioner, squeaky toys, running water, the can opener, clanking food pans, the unexpected opening and closing of doors, as well as regular handling.  To get them used to being handled, we look at their teeth, handle their paws, look in their ears, and whatever other random actions occur with positive physical attention.  The purpose here is to get them used to touch and sound while young and small as opposed to trying to introduce nail trimming or teeth cleaning, for instance, when they're older, stronger, and less willing.  The hope is also to get them used to sharp noises to make the sound of gunfire less alarming, although we don't simulate actual gunshots this young.


Puppy Visits - We do allow folks to come visit our puppies at the point they are 4 weeks of age or older. This is because their little immune systems don't really kick in until they are about 2 1/2 weeks old so we must be very cautious about outside influences. Please call ahead to schedule a time if you would like to come for a visit.



Week 1 Pups are in our home and live in the whelping box lined with fleece carpeting for traction (weeks 1 - 3)
  LIVE Puppy Cam goes online in full color HD, 24x7
  Puppy Portraits are taken and posted online
  Daily weight is recorded
  Dew Claws are removed at day 2-3
  *Super Dog Program, days 3-16
Week 2 Puppy Portraits are taken and posted online
  Daily weight is recorded
  Anti-parasitic protocol, First dose of liquid dewormer (Pyrantel Pamoate) for intestinal round worms
  Pups get their first nail trim
  Super Dog Program continues
Week 3 Puppy Portraits are taken and posted online
  Daily weight is recorded
  Pups get their second nail trim
Week 4 Puppy Portraits are taken and posted online
  Pups are no longer weighed daily, but will be weighed weekly going forward
  Anti-parasitic protocol, Second dose of liquid dewormer (Pyrantel Pamoate) for intestinal round worms
  Pups are moved to the Puppy Cottage, 9'x5' playpen bedded with pine chips
  The weaning process begins with cereal meals (baby rice cereal and goat's milk)
  Socialization begins and puppy visits are welcomed
  Noise desensitization begins (soft noises)
  Pups get their third nail trim
Week 5 PUPPY SELECTION - folks with reservations get to choose their pups!
  Puppy Portraits are taken and posted online
  Weekly weight is recorded
  Fecal analysis is done on random pups to evaluate our anti-parasitic regimen
  Pups get their fourth nail trim

Weaning continues with mush meals (canned puppy food / wet kibble) + probiotics and enzymes to help support the gut during food transition

  Noise desensitization continues and is ramped up (louder and more startling)
  Pups are presented with the opportunity for field trips to the outdoors (weather permitting)
  Pups are presented with the wing on a string during playtime
Week 6 Puppy Portraits are taken and posted online
  Weekly weight is recorded
  Anti-parasitic protocol, 3-day or 5-day regimen (Fenbendazole) for all types of intestinal worms as well as coccidia and giardia
  Pups are vaccinated - Distemper/Parvo (DPv)
  Pups are microchipped
  Weaning complete, momma is removed and pups are eating solid food / dry kibble
  Outdoor playtime continues when weather permits.

We continue to play wing on a string games with pups

Week 7 DELIVERY - Pups get to go to their new homes!
  Weekly weight is recorded
  All pups are given a bath and nail trim before going home
  Puppy Portaits are taken with their new families and posted online
Week 8 AIR SHIPMENT - Pups are now old enough to fly to their new homes.
  Boarding is available at reasonable rates after 8 weeks of age.


*The "Super Dog" Theory...

Researchers believe certain stimuli can aid in boosting a puppy's neurological system during it's development which can greatly improve the dog's performance later in life. These benefits include improved cardiovascular performance (heart rate), stronger heart beats, stronger adrenal glands, more tolerance to stress and greater resistance to disease. The particular interval of time in a puppy's life when the neurological system is rapidly developing is between 3 and 16 days of age so it is during this time frame that we will perform five neurological stimulation exercises each day to aid in their development.

All of the stimulation exercises below are done for each puppy, once per day and are held for approximately 3 to 5 seconds.

    1. Tactile Stimulation - One foot is tickled with a Q-tip
    2. Head Pointed Up - Puppy is held perpendicular to the ground with head directly above the tail
    3. Head Pointed Down - Puppy is held perpendicular to the ground with tail directly above the head
    4. Supine Position - Puppy is held on it's back in the palm of the hand with it's muzzle facing the ceiling
    5. Thermal Stimulation - Puppy is placed on a damp towel which was cooled in the refrigerator

For more information on the "Super Dog"/Bio-Sensor program, please see this article "Early Neurological Stimulation" on



Jeff has owned upland dogs for over 35 years starting with his first dog, an English Pointer named Dollie, given to him by his grandpa when he was 9. Jeff started hunting with a BB gun the year after and has continued to hunt every chance he gets, starting in early September in Montana and often finding his way to New Mexico in February. Typically, if there is a season open, he's hunting. (And yes Jen, his awesome wife, let's him go whenever - sometimes she and the kids will even go with him.)

Jeff's grandpa was an upland dog connoisseur if there is such a thing. He owned dozens of dogs through the years and raised multiple litters of Brittany’s, Setters, and Pointers. Because of this, Jeff always had an upland dog or two himself. Jeff purchased his first English Setter in 2000, a 3-year-old name Tater, and reared a litter of pups from her with very little knowledge of what he was doing. Then, in 2015, Jeff came across Hickory Hollow Llewellin Setters where we purchased our first Llewellin, Stella, and never turned back. Now we own 6 HHLS Llewellins, 4 of which we do all our hunting with.

Having been around upland dogs his entire life, Jeff knows a thing or two about how they tick. These dogs love being in the field. They are high energy output, driven companions who want nothing more than to please their owner. It behooves of us to do our best to please them.

Jen has a degree in Animal Science and Industry from Kansas State University. Originally hailing from Vermont, she spent the latter half of her teens working for a small animal vet in her hometown. Although she didn’t grow up hunting, she grew up with a love of animals, particularly dogs of any make and model. While her intention of going on to vet school was never fulfilled (she became an engineer instead), she worked on a dairy farm over the summers while home in Vermont and a horse farm in Kansas during her pursuit of her Ag degree and has maintained her interest in the animal husbandry arena.

Almost always with a dog or two in tow, the responsibilities of owning healthy, happy canine companions has been a steady constant in Jen’s life. In her mind, Llewellins fulfill the companion side of pup ownership for her. These dogs go hard in the field, then cuddle up on the couch to catch a movie at day’s end. Llewellins just plain love people; big, small, young, or old. They will bring a smile to your face.

Our dogs are kept on a strict regimen including a 5-star premium kibble, monthly heartworm, flea and tick preventative, and intestinal deworming medication.  Everything we use is safe for our breeding females and all receive annual veterinary exams and vaccinations for all major canine diseases which include Distemper/Parvo Virus, Corona Virus, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Lyme Disease, and Rabies.


HHLS Llewellins have been placed in wonderful hunting, non-hunting and celebrity homes literally from coast to coast! (Alaska to New York).

References are available upon request or please feel free to check out our Testimonials page.


Our Facility

All of our puppies are raised in a climate controlled 10’ x 14’ structure we call the Puppy Cottage.

Our new 10' x 14' puppy cottage



We are still under construction, but eventually inside the Puppy Cottage there will be a small play pen to accommodate the energetic and growing curiosities of our pups. The play area will be lined with cedar and pine wood shavings to provide for a clean facility free of pests; and it will soak up urine and fecal matter keeping the pups relatively clean.

Puppy Cottage Interior



Adjacent to the 10’ x 14’ structure, a 4,000 square foot fenced area will be created for momma dog to be able to get away and stretch her legs and eventually for the puppies to explore. The Puppy Cottage allows us to maximize the ability to ensure a high quality of care for newborns while at the same time allowing momma dog to stay comfy.

Outdoor play area


The HHLS Press

The HHLS Press is our company newsletter distributed electronically to all of our clients and business acquaintances annually (or as time allows). ENJOY!




Coming Soon!


Contact Information


Jeffrey and Jennifer Hancock








E-mail Addresses: 


   Hickory Hollow Hunting, LLC

   6353 Harbour Haven Dr

   Manhattan, KS 66503 

   Toll Free:  877.GUN.DOGS

   Mobile:  785.587.4936


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