Page Updated 10/17/07

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We were very fortunate to run into Dez Young along with his famous Llewellin Setter, Dash!!

(click photos to supersize)

click to supersize click to supersize

Bob and Splash with
Dez and Dash
at the Bird Dog Parade

Laura with Dez and Dash
at the Cabela's Booth

Bristol made the pages of the Des Moines Register! While standing in line to chat with Dez Young at the Cabela's booth, Bristol had a different idea about how to spend her time; pointing the wild birds and the fox in the animal displays kept her occupied and a Register photographer caught her on film!


Published: 01/20/2007
Saturday at Pheasant Fest

They LOOK real, but they don't SMELL real. Hickory's Advie Bristol, a 2-yr-old Llewellin Setter, is really, really interested in an animal display. On the other end of the leash is Laura Whitlock, Shellsburg IA, of Hickory Hollow Llewellin Setters.


Bristol and Splash were also featured in a video news clip about the Bird Dog Parade.




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