Page Updated 09/18/19

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Registered Name:  Hickory's Huntmore Sawyer

Call Name:   Sawyer



November 5, 2017










65 lbs





Photos (click to enlarge)



    Sawyer_01.jpg Sawyer_03.jpg Sawyer_04.jpg Sawyer_05.jpg


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What's in a name?

    I've always liked the name Sawyer ever since watching Josh Holloway play a character named Sawyer in the TV Show "Lost". It has always stuck with me as being a rugged, outdoorsy name just like the character he played which is perfect for a hunting dog.

    We acquired Sawyer from Blizzard's Huntmore Kennels as a 7-week old pup so we also used part of his founding kennel name in his registered name.  

    Sawyer was given an "S" name in honor of Splash, our foundation stud and logo mascot, he is the second pup in our new Llew Crew "S" name lineup.  


DNA / Health Screening

    DNA Parentage - American Field/UC Davis

    Result = VIP Blue and Gold Seal
    DNA #: AFP2238

    Sawyer has been DNA tested to prove Llewellin parentage by the UC Davis Veterinary Genetics Laboratory at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine. His certificate displays the Blue and Gold seal signifying "VIP" (Verifiable Identified Parentage) confirming both the sire and dam of the dog to be as stated in the pedigree, and confirming that he is a purebred Llewellin Setter.

DNA Certificate for Sawyer

    DNA Analysis - Embark

    Genetic Disease Results:  At Risk = 0, Carrier 0
    Inbreeding Coefficient = 15%
    Test Date: 01/08/19

    Sawyer's DNA sample was submitted to Embark for an all-inclusive genetic health test consisting of inbreeding coefficient and results for nearly all genetic mutation tests covering 165 diseases on over 200,000 genetic markers in 16 different areas (see more).

Embark DNA Report for Sawyer

    Hips - OFA

    Result = GOOD
    OFA #: Prelims
    Exam Date:  01/09/19
    Norberg Angle: R104°, L102° (GOOD range 100°-104°)
    Percent Coverage: R62.5%, L64.7%

    Sawyer had his hips x-rayed at 14 months instead of at 24 months. We did prelims on him to ensure his hips were healthy for our first planned breeding with Skylar (Litter W). With OFA prelims, since the dog was less than 24 months old at the time the images were taken, only one veterinarian evaluated the x-rays instead of three and he was given a rating but was not assigned an OFA #.

    Sawyer_OFA xray.jpg Sawyer_norbergAngle.jpg Sawyer_pctCoverage.jpg



OFA Hips Sawyer

    Eyes - OFA CAER

    Result = NORMAL 
    CAER #: LS-EYE1/14M-VPI
    Exam Date:  01/17/19

    Sawyer has had his eyes examined by a veterinary opthalmologist who is a member of the American College of Veterinary Opthamologists (ACVO). Both eyes were determined to be NORMAL. Paperwork has been sent to the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) for registration in the Companion Animal Eye Registry (CAER).   


    Thyroid Function - Embark

    Congenital Hypothyroidism Results = CC (clear)

    At Risk = No,   Carrier = No

    As part of the cumulative genetic testing performed by submission of Sawyer's DNA sample to Embark, all thyroid markers for genetic disease were tested.    



Hunting Style

    Sawyer is an intensely focused hunter, no amount of noise or action going on around him can distract him from his main focus, HUNTING! He has a strong prey drive with a nose-to-the-ground attitude.  He is a natural retriever and is gung ho about bringing things back to you. He is a brute of a dog at 65 pounds, he can bust through tough cover without letting it slow him down and has amazing stamina.



    Sawyer is a typical happy-go-lucky male setter with a sweet and gentle nature. He loves attention and if he's not the pup getting it, he will budge right in for his fair share.  He's comical and is known as quite the goofball around our house.  He loves stalking and pointing our cat, but when he catches him he just plays with him.

    In the house Sawyer is a busy body, he always wants to be where we are so when we're on the move he tries to figure out where we're going so he can beat us to the destination. He's always tuned in to what we are doing and wants to be by our side at all times.

    He is a sensitive soul, so he feels bad when we're upset and puts on those heavy sad setter eyes making a pitiful plea for forgiveness. His main aim is to please and when given the praise he is due, he is a spirited and happy boy.

    Some words to describe him would be:
        Marmaduke, goofball, playful, affectionate, gentle, obedient, intent, focused, relentless, stealthy, strong prey drive, natural retriever, born to hunt.

    He's a little bit goofball mixed into a serious hunter.   




    Size: On the larger side at 65 lbs and maybe topping out around 70 lbs when fully bulked out as an adult (he's still growing) and stands 26" at the withers.

    Coat: Soft and silky, wavy with curly chest feathering and long feathering on his legs and tail.

    Coat & Nose Color Genotype: EE, bb, kB/ky  (Chestnut/Brown nose) Hidden: Tricolor

    Tail:  He carries his tail straight, but has a slight curve at the tip when on point.

    Feet: Giant feet and wide like a labrador with the typical spoon shaped point to the toes


    Sawyer is a lightly ticked Chestnut Llewellin (White/Chestnut). His body is predominantly white with a light amount of chestnut ticking. He has a chestnut patch on his left eye which includes his left ear. 



Adam's Spur

Adam's Spur - Owned by Joe K. Noe of Blandinsville, Illinois. Adam's Spur sired two of the top Llewellins competing in American Kennel Club trials, namely Blackeyed Storm and Shoeleather's Tanner, who won the first Midwest Llewellin Shooting Dog Championship.

Photo courtesy of Joe K. Noe of Shoeleather Kennels.


Shoeleather Diana

Shoeleather Diana - Owned and bred by Loretta and Joe Noe of Shoeleather Kennels in Blandinsville, IL.

Photo courtesy of Joe Noe of Shoeleather Kennels.


Awbonnie's Bull - click to enlarge

Awbonnie's Bull - Owned by Eric Jacobs of Huntmore Llewellins in Kentucky. Bull was an outstanding Grouse dog, his superior nose was rivaled by his incredible stamina and tremendous heart. 
(05/1988 - 01/2000).

Photo courtesy of Eric Jacobs


Bull was a great grouse dog of tremendous stamina and will to find birds coupled with a superior nose and intellect. Bull made birds. He became a grouse dog with such desire and drive he was a handful. One thing only on his mind, "Find another grouse!". From his humble beginnings as a dog hunting too close, he emerged as a great one few men ever witness. Grouse dogs are at the very top of the realm of birddog excellence and he was at the top of this loyal order.

-- Quote provided by Eric Jacobs


Lord Tobyn Bondhu

Lord Tobyn Bondhu - Owned by Eric Jacobs of Huntmore Llewellins in Kentucky. Son of Awbonnie's Bull born out of his first sired litter in Jan 1992. Natural retriever. Lived to 14 years of age.




"Sawyer" - Hickory's Huntmore Sawyer

Breeder: Eric Jacobs - Huntmore Llewellin Setters


Grand Parents

3rd Generation

4th Generation

5th Generation

Blizzard's Huntmore Parker

Blizzard's Huntmore Parker
Shoeleather Lancer

Shoeleather Sam

Shoeleather Trace
Wingswept Sir Clancy
Wayne's Blizzard Nell

Shoeleather Diana
Shoeleather Diana

Tiskilwa Blizz
Tiskilwa Bell
Shoeleather Nellie
Shoeleather Trace
Wingswept Sir Clancy
Wayne's Blizzard Nell
Hellmarx Poco Blizzard
Blizzard's Lance
Blizzard's Chessie
Shoeleather Reba
Hellmarx Razi Blizzard

Adam's Spur
Adam's Spur.jpg

King's Royacelle III
Lady Gladstonyo King
Blizzard's Chessie
King's Blizzard Sundown
King's Blizzard Girl
Hellmarx Gladstone Tori
King's Gladstonyo Jack
King's Black Gladstonyo
King's Tonyo Lady
Lady Gladstonyo King
King's Black Gladstonyo
King's Gladstone Dinky

Huntmore Bellezza

Bellezza (aka Sis)

Pleasant Valley Bud


Stamper's Branch Tom


Southall Dan Bondhu


Spier's Prince Bondhu


Sugar Doll Bondhu


Bandette McGrew Bondhu


Highland Bandit Bondhu


Spurlock's High Spirit


Smokey Branch's Bondeti


Dashing Ringold Bondhu


Dashing Will Bondhu


Dashing Babette Bondhu


King's Blizzard Blizett


King's Blizzard Sundown


King's Blizzard Judy


Royal Gracie Ann


Hays Blue Wily


Lord Tobyn Bondhu

Blizzard's Huntmore Parker

Awbonnie's Bull


Lady Sasha Bondhu


Dashing Bullet Bondhu


Awbonnie's Bull


Dashing Angel


Royal Oaks Katie


Eastfork's Count Toby


Awbonnie's Bull


Chappy's Little Ginger


Windem Grouse Lady


Dashing Windem Sam


Chappy's Little Peg



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A Hickory Hollow Hunting, L.L.C. entity

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